This bouquet of white calla lilies and roses has a collar of aspidistra leaves, and is displayed with the groom's buttonhole and a reading from the wedding service. The brushed silver frame complements the contemporary bouquet perfectly.
This picture shows the bride's bouquet of calla lilies and thistles mounted alongside the groom's buttonhole and a flower from the flower girl's posey. Framed in a distressed cream and gold frame.
This beautiful bouquet of pink and white roses and white hydrangea, tied with an ivory satin ribbon and finished with a sparkling brooch was framed in a vintage style pale wood frame.
A stunning black and white themed picture showing off the beautiful bouquet of white hydrangea, roses, and ranunculus framed with the groom's buttonhole, the stylish wedding invitation and incorporates a lucky sixpence.
Another stunning black and silver design chosen to enhance the white rose and thistle bouquet mounted with the dark blue ribbons, the unusual wedding invite and the groom's buttonhole to create a bright and beautiful picture.
This picture shows our pale white washed wood frame used to great effect to display this lovely fresh green and cream coloured bouquet of roses, calla lilies and lisianthus.